Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Pumpkins

There are four of us in our family. We each got to carve a pumpkin tonight and let me just say, that big pumpkins take a long time. I was the first to finish mine, which is the smallest of the 4. Mine just has a face, but this year is the 1st year we did not use the pumpkin templates. We decided to stick with good old fashioned imagination!

This next one is my 13 year old's carving of a wolf with wings. It turned out absolutely amazing.

My 6 year old wanted a cat and then she wanted a bat. My husband carved the bat out, which turned out amazing.

After helping our youngest out with her pumpkin, my husband finally got to finish his. I think he likes being the last one to finish because he knows he is going to do a great job on his! LOL

And here is our family of pumpkins all lined up. I spray painted two clay pots black to use as pedastools for the two smaller pumpkins.


Michele's Essentials said...

Those are simply amazing pumpkins! I really like them all, your son is very talented, I cannot carve nothing with a knife, LOL!

krystalmoon74 said...

Awesome pumpkins !!! We're carving ours Wednesday ... I can't wait !!! I love carving them, and making pumpkin seeds !!! Yummy !!!

Tammy L Sexton said...

Thank you for the wonderful comments. My daughter is obsessed with wolves and she has become excellent at drawing them. Krystal! Are you sharing photos of your pumpkins?

Sus said...

Very cool jack-o-lanterns!!! I ended-up being just too darn busy to do anything for Halloween this year.