Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Take Out Menu Organizer!

I bought this menu organizer last year to hold all of those take out menus that we order off of. This is such a clever idea that I had to share it with you all. I didn't want to praise something that I didn't think worthy. This is worthy, it has a pouch with your very own "What Do You Want" tickets so you can write down everyone's orders. It has black and red pens and it has the greatest instructions for using this organizer.

There is also a place to store your most frequently called numbers. There are sections with plastic sleeves for you to put your menus. The best part are the "Takeout Service Record" slips so you can record an employee name, if your delivery was early or late, how you rate the delivery person, and the condition of your food. I stick these to the outside of the sleeve for the restaurant that I order from, so I can try track how their service is. Is that cool or what?

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